A year in the wake of divulging the HomePod Mini, Apple has chosen to give it the iMac treatment by tossing in some new shading variations. The small savvy speaker is currently accessible in yellow, orange, and blue shading variations on top of the current space dim and white. It'll in any case retail for US$99 a pop, and the new shading variations are available for anyone now on Apple's site.
Apple has additionally made Apple Music a smidgen more reasonable by adding another membership level called Apple Music Voice, which costs US$4.99 each month. Basically, it'll let you access the sum of the Apple Music list, yet just by means of Siri. To get everything rolling, one requirements to say, "Hello Siri, start my Apple Music Voice trail." or sign up through the Apple Music application.
It is important that Apple Music Voice supporters won't approach elements like Spatial Sound and Lossless Sound, Verses, Music Recordings. They do, in any case, get a 'customized' experience dependent on their listening propensities and a devoted 'Simply Ask Siri' segment in the application that will walk them through aiding Siri observe to be better substance. The help will be accessible in select areas not long from now.